
All details and information contained on our website have been carefully researched and checked. The information is a service provided by Stadtwerke Jena GmbH (Stadtwerke Jena) and is not a substitute for personal advice. A liability or guarantee for the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information and data provided is excluded. The prices quoted for services and products are without guarantee. Insofar as the website contains forward-looking information, we would like to point out that various known or unknown risks and other factors may lead to changes and deviations from the information provided. For this reason, Stadtwerke Jena assumes no obligation to update forward-looking statements or to adapt them to future events or developments.

Legal responsibility and responsibility for the content of third-party websites to which Stadtwerke Jena refers via hyperlinks lies with the respective providers. Stadtwerke Jena is not liable for the content of these sites. The following applies to all direct or indirect links from this website to external websites that are outside the responsibility of Stadtwerke Jena:

Stadtwerke Jena expressly dissociates itself from all contents of these websites including all sub-pages or websites found through their links or through other forwarding mechanisms. Stadtwerke Jena has no influence on the design and content of these websites linked to the Stadtwerke Jena website.

Furthermore, we would like to point out that the Stadtwerke Jena website may have been linked from another website via a hyperlink without its knowledge. Stadtwerke Jena accepts no responsibility for representations, content or any connection to Stadtwerke Jena.

Furthermore, Stadtwerke Jena reserves the right to make changes and additions to the information and data provided at any time. Stadtwerke Jena does not guarantee the availability or fault-free operation of the services offered at www.stadtwerke-jena.de.

The content and structure of the Stadtwerke Jena website are protected by copyright. The reproduction of information or data, in particular the use of texts, parts of texts or images, requires the express prior consent of Stadtwerke Jena.