Ask us your question regarding the energy transition 

In order to at least slow down climate change, enormous efforts are needed to reduce climate-damaging CO2. Stadtwerke Jena is facing up to this challenge and takes specific steps to do so. 

The simultaneously necessary energy, heating and transport transition does not only affect almost all of Stadtwerke's business areas, but also almost every area of life for people living in our region. This is causing uncertainty among many of our customers. We would therefore like to find out what exactly you want to know about this topic and what questions you have for us - and for the energy transition.

We will not (be able to) answer your questions directly. But we will address them in our various communication formats on the topic of the energy and heating transition. During the next months, we want to provide you with well-founded information on this very important topic of our time in videos, texts and blog posts.

To this end, we are working together with the local newspapers Ostthüringer Zeitung and Thüringische Landeszeitung and with JenaTV. We also regularly publish videos and articles on our social media channels and on our website. 

Help shape our content with your questions and suggestions! Follow us and stay up to date!


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What are the challenges faced specifically by the energy transition in Jena? 

Interview with managing director Claudia Budich

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