Working experience at the Stadtwerke Jena Group

Still no idea what's behind all those job profiles? Then get a taste of real working life and do a student internship with us!

Only a few steps to your internship 

We offer orientation internships in all of our apprenticeships. During your one to two-week internship, our trainers will introduce you to the respective profession and you can test your skills in advance.

In order to plan your internship properly, we need you to provide the following: 

  • letter of application
  • specification of the desired period and job description
  • curriculum vitae in tabular form
  • current school report
  • other certificates/appraisals if applicable

Apply online now!

Our trainees are our superheroes!

Anyone who makes the world a little bit better, every day, at many points in Jena and the region, and almost unnoticed - this must be a superhero or superheroine. Or a Stadtwerke trainee. Or both. But take a look for yourself!

PS: You can find more superhero-videos here!