Treat yourself to beauty and relaxation - our Women's Day offers at GalaxSea

Mar 4, 2024, 8:53:38 AM | Jenaer Bäder | Aktuelles

Dear guests,

On the occasion of Women's Day, we would like to offer you a day full of relaxation and pampering in our GalaxSea leisure pool and have put together special offers for you:

  • Wellness offer from 8 to 11 March 2024: Pamper yourself with our small facial treatment, which we are offering at a 10% discount for this occasion. As a bonus, you will also receive a moisturizing face mask for just EUR 10.
    Go to the store here
  • Offer for the women's sauna on 11 March 2024: Experience a special time-out in our sauna area. Enjoy 12:00 and 8:00 special Showaufgüsse with the enchanting names "Rosenkavalier" and "Purple Rain" in our Finnish sauna-  rounded off by fragrant aroma peelings. Immerse yourself in the world of relaxation and let yourself be enchanted by the cozy fireside atmosphere that prevails throughout the day in our sauna area.

We look forward to welcoming you here and offering you an unforgettable break from everyday life.

We look forward to your visit.

Your team from the GalaxSea leisure pool