Dive into the swimming paradise!
Opening of the sports swimming pool "Schwimmparadies Jena"
(JenaTV report, 28.08.23)

What you can look forward to:
- Competitive 50-meter pool with a depth of 2 meters and a total of 8 lanes and a starting block system
- Variably movable bridge with 8 starting blocks in the sports pool, making it possible to divide the pool into two 25-meter pools
- For our variety of courses: teaching pool with adjustable lifting floor and water depths from 0 to 1.80 meters
- Accessible facility: all facilities are offered on one level for swimming guests
Current utilization
Öffnungszeiten öffentliches Schwimmen*
Monday |
11 am - 7 pm Friday swimming 6:30 am - 8 am** |
Tuesday | 11 am - 9 pm |
Wednesday | 11 am - 7 pm Friday swimming 6:30 am - 8 am** |
Thursday | 11 am - 9 pm |
Friday | 11 am - 7 pm Friday swimming 6:30 am - 8 am** |
Saturday | 10 am - 8 pm |
Sunday | 10 am - 8 pm |
* During the Thuringian school vacations there may be changes to the opening hours.
Please also note that public swimming is only suitable for swimmers.
The closing time is 60 minutes before the end of the opening time.
The pool closes 15 minutes before the end of theopening time.
**Except on public holidays
Note on Friday swimming:
Friday swimming will continue to be offered during the outdoor pool season at the regular times (Mon, Wed and Friday) in the swimming paradise.
Note closing time: The swimming paradise is closed from July 05, 2024 to July 26, 2024.
Entrance fees öffentliches Schwimmen
Admissions | |
1.5-hour adult ticket | 5.00 Euro |
1.5-hour ticket discount | 4.00 Euro |
1.5-hour ticket child (4-14 years) | 3.00 Euro |
1.5 hours of Friday swimming | 4.00 Euro |
Timeout per ½-hour | |
1.5-hour adult ticket | 1.00 Euro |
1.5-hour ticket discount | 0,70 Euro |
1.5-hour ticket child (4–14 years) | 0.50 euros |
All tickets can be purchased in the online shop . |
Multiple cards*
10-card adult | 45.00 euros |
20 adult ticket | 80,00 Euro |
30 adult ticket | 105.00 euros |
10er Karte Ermäßigt | 35,00 Euro |
20er Karte Ermäßigt | 60,00 Euro |
30er Karte Ermäßigt | 75,00 Euro |
10 card child | 25,00 Euro |
20 ticket child | 40,00 Euro |
30 ticket child | 45,00 Euro |
* Multiple tickets include 10, 20 or 30 admissions for 1.5 hours each. If you exceed the time limit, the post-payment rates for one-way tickets apply.
Note: The multiple tickets are not valid for early swimming.
- Deposit: The deposit for a multiple ticket (wristband) is 10.00 €.
- Groups: One accompanying person is free for a group of 10 or more children (4-14 years).
- Discounts apply to senior citizens (aged 63 and over), FSJ students, students, trainees, people with disabilities, holders of a Jenabonus card and holders of a volunteer card upon presentation of the relevant proof.
Impressions from the swimming paradise
Good to know

Aber was genau bedeutet das?
Die Freizeitbahn ist für Schwimmer gedacht, die das Schwimmen in ihrer Freizeit genießen möchten. Hier können Sie entspannen, fit bleiben und einfach nur Spaß im Wasser haben, ohne einem bestimmten Trainingsprogramm oder Wettkampfziel zu folgen.
Die Sportbahn hingegen richtet sich an diejenigen, die ein strukturiertes Training durchführen oder ihre Leistung verbessern möchten. Hier folgen Schwimmer einem bestimmten Tempo und Regeln, um ein effektives und sicheres Training zu gewährleisten.
Durch diese Aufteilung möchten wir sicherstellen, dass sowohl Freizeit- als auch Sportschwimmer optimale Bedingungen vorfinden und ihr Schwimmerlebnis bei den Jenaer Bädern in vollen Zügen genießen können.
Children are always welcome. However, they should already be able to swim! Non-swimmers are not allowed to use the swimmer's pool or deeper parts of the teaching pool. Your child can't swim yet? Then please register them for one of our swimming courses.
Please contact our employees at the entrance. They will be happy to help you.
There are safe deposit boxes directly in the hall between the teaching pool and the sports pool, which you can use for your valuables during your visit to the swimming hall.
The water temparature in the sports pool is 27 degrees.
The water temperature in the pool for teaching is 31 degrees.
You would like to take photos or film in the sports swimming hall? Please contact us via our online form photo and filming permission (stadtwerke-jena.de)
For capacity reasons, the teaching pool is not intended for the public, but is primarily used by schools, clubs, the university and the Jenaer Bäder Gesellschaft as part of the course programme.
Egal ob Aqua-Baby-Kurse, Aqua-Fitness-Einheiten, Seepferdchenkurse oder intensives Core-Training mit unseren Balance Boards: Dank unseres höhenverstellbaren Lehrschwimmbeckens finden Groß und Klein hier perfekte Voraussetzungen für Sport und Spaß im und auf dem Wasser. Alle Kurse können bequem über unseren Onlineshop gebucht werden: shop.jenaer-baeder.de
Your contact to us
Sports swimming pool "Schwimmparadies Jena"
Karl-Marx-Allee 15
07747 Jena
You can reach us via:
Good connection to local public transport