Information on security of gas supply 

Currently, the supply with gas in Germany is stable and the security of supply is guaranteed. In April 2023, the Federal Network Agency stated that the gas flows to Germany are also stable and balanced. The feared gas bottleneck last winter could be prevented. However, it is still necessary to use natural gas economically. Especially in view of the upcoming winter 2023/2024 that is already challenging all players.  

We have compiled important information below in order to answer all your questions regarding security of supply and prevention of crises.


Current status: Alert level due to restricted supply volumes to Germany 

The Federal Government declared the Emergency Gas Plan alert level in response to reduced natural gas supplies from Russia. A gas shortage was identified, which also affects the storage of natural gas for the upcoming winter.

The alert level is the second escalation level after the early warning level (declared on the 30th of March 2022) (early warning level - alert level - emergency level) and signifies that there is a disruption in the gas supply that will lead to a significant deterioration of gas supply situation. However, the market is still able to handle this disruption without the Federal Government having to intervene in the gas distribution.

Escalation levels

During the first stage, a crisis management team - consisting of authorities and energy suppliers - convenes at the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology. The gas suppliers and the operators of the gas pipelines are obliged, for example, to regularly assess the situation for the Federal Government. However, the state does not yet intervene. Instead, gas traders and suppliers as well as transmission and distribution system operators take market-based measures to maintain the gas supply. These measures include, for example, leveraging flexibilities on the procurement side, recoursing to gas storage facilities, optimizing load flows or requesting external balancing energy.

Even during the so-called alert level, the market players still take care of easing the situation autonomously. Also during this stage, the measures mentioned for stage 1 can be taken by the market players. These measures include, for example, leveraging flexibilities on the procurement side, recoursing to gas storage facilities, optimizing load flows or requesting external balancing energy.

If the measures of the early warning stage or alert level are insufficient or if there is a permanent deterioration of the supply situation, the Federal Government can declare the emergency level by decree. In this case, there is an "exceptionally high demand for gas, a significant disruption of gas supply or another significant deterioration of the supply situation". Now the state intervenes in the market. This means that the Federal Network Agency becomes the "federal load distributor". It will then be responsible for distributing gas in close coordination with the network operators. Certain consumer groups are particularly protected by law, i.e. they are to be supplied with gas until the very end, if possible. These protected consumer groups include households, social institutions such as hospitals and gas-fired power plants that also serve to supply households with heat.

Gas storage well filled 

According to the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection, storage levels in Germany are comparable with those in 2019 and thus significantly higher than in spring 2021. (as of 13.04.2023) 

Filling level targets for Germany: 75% on 01.09., 85% on 1.10. and 96% on 01.11. This ensures a continuous filling of storage until winter. From November onwards, a withdrawal of up to 40% is permitted until 1st of February of the following year. The remaining quantities are then available for the late winter. (Source:, 14.10.2022)

What if there are bottlenecks after all?

Currently, the market still regulates the situation independently. Only when there is a significant disruption in the gas supply and the emergencylevel is declared does the state intervene in order to ensure the supply of protected customers. The, legally regulated shutdown processes come into effect, for which this prioritisation is specified: 

  • Priority 1: Out of all customers, supply to non-protected customers is restricted.
  • Priority 2: Restrictions for system-relevant gas-fired power plants 
  • Priority 3: Restrictions for protected customers (according to §53a EnWG – household customers, heating customers)
Temperatur einstellen am Heizkörper

Important: reduce gas consumption yourself

Every gas consumer - from the economy to private households - is asked to reduce their consumption as much as possible. 

We recommend our business customers to work on an emergency strategy to be prepared for possible economical and financial bottlenecks. Thereby, you should especially pay attention to measures for saving energy that can be applied quickly.

For more efficiency
We are happy to help you with the implementation of energy management systems, energy audits and load profile analyses.  Learn more >

Questions and Answers by the Federal Ministry of Economical Affairs and Climate Protection

The Federal Ministry of Economical Affairs and Climate Protection (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz BMWK) has published a Q&A-catalogue on the emergency plan and the alert level. We offer this catalogue for consultation here as downloaddownload (as per 23 June 2022).

Do you have questions regarding your current supply contract? 
Please directly contact your customer advisor or write us per e-mail at geschaeftskunden@​​