Auf dem Weg zum CO2-freien Heizen
Um unser Ziel einer klimaneutralen Welt zu erreichen, kommt dem Wärmesektor eine besondere Bedeutung zu. In verschiedenen Projekten arbeiten wir Stadtwerke darauf hin, dass Heizen künftig auch ohne CO2-Emissionen auskommt.
Fernwärme-ausbau Jena
Hier planen die Stadtwerke Jena die Erschließung weiterer Stadtteile
Heating with district heating: how does it work and what does it cost?
Interview with our expert Helge Gerullis.
Wärmenetzstrategie 2040
Gemeinsam mit der Thüringer Energie AG erarbeiten wir eine Strategie zur Dekarbonisierung der Jenaer Fernwärmeversorgung. Kern ist die Umstellung der Fernwärmeerzeugung im Heizkraftwerk Winzerla. Ziel ist die Nutzung von Umweltwärme.
Municipal heat planning: this is the current status
The city of Jena wants to draw up its first municipal heat planning by the end of 2024 with the help of an external planning office. Stadtwerke Jena Netze is part of the core working group and is contributing its network knowledge and local expertise to the project. At the end of June, the project partners provided an initial interim status report.
iKWK in Hermsdorf: district heating from air and excess electricity
The Stadtwerke subsidiary job has been systematically expanding the plant fleet at its combined heat and power plant in Hermsdorf since 2019. Among other things, two large heat pumps have been in operation there since the end of 2023 and, together with combined heat and power plants and power-to-heat systems, form an innovative combined heat and power system.
Innovative approach: heat generation from wastewater
The industrial estates along Wiesenstrasse in Jena-Nord are expected to be supplied with CO2-neutral heat from 2030 via a new local heating network.
Large heat pumps are to use the waste heat from the treated wastewater to generate district heating at the central sewage treatment plant.
Aus unserer Energiewende-Serie
Heating with district heating: how does it work and what does it cost?
Interview with our expert Helge Gerullis.
Building Energy Act:
What does this mean for homeowners and tenants in Jena?
Interview with expert Christian Lindau