Energy transition: 

Clean energy for a clean future

Symbolbild jenaturStrom aus Wasserkraft

100% electricity for all customers: Already since 2013

Stadtwerke Energie Jena-Pößneck supplies its household and commercial customers exclusively with TÜV-certified green electricity. This comes 100% from European hydropower, some of it even from local plants along the Saale river. A fixed amount flows into the expansion of renewable energies every year.

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Projekt Adern von Jena Golden Gate

Great district heating for Jena

On the road to climate neutrality, the heat sector is of particular importance. Together with partners, the municipal utilities are working on various concepts to decarbonize district heating, which is currently mainly generated using fossil natural gas. In future, environmental heat from water, sun and air is to be used.

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Symbolbild Wasserstoff als CO2-freier Brennstoff der Zukunft

Hydrogen: CO2-free fuel of the future

Stadtwerke Jena Netze is actively driving forward the conversion of its natural gas network into a distribution network for green hydrogen.

The clean fuel is expected to be available to industrial customers in Jena from 2028. Interested companies should register their requirements now. Stadtwerke Jena Netze is your competent partner for all matters relating to the supply of hydrogen in Jena and the region.

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Symbolbild Jena bei Nacht

Real laboratory of the energy transition: JenErgieReal 

The municipal utilities are researching how cities can be sustainably supplied with electricity and heat in a real-world laboratory for the energy transition. By 2027, a virtual power plant is to be created that intelligently links energy producers, consumers and storage facilities.

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