Licence: GRP

Family Hiking Day 2024: Stadtwerke Jena alliance partners take part

Jun 8, 2024 | At the nature experience center on the former Schottplatz in the forest | Jena | Perspektiven

Every year, we participate as an alliance partner in the Family Hiking Day, a hiking day for the whole family. What you can expect:

  • Hiking route is approx. 4 km long and suitable for pushchairs
  • Cost of start number: 1€
  • The grate is on fire
  • At the finish, all participants receive a certificate and small prizes,
  • which were sponsored by the partners of the Jenaer Bündnisse für Familie
  • .
  • A family festival starts around the Schottplatz
  •  By the way: If you want to get to the start in a relaxed manner, you can take the Tschu-Tschu-Bahn from 9:30 a.m. from the final stop in Mühltal.
Event information:
NameFamily Hiking Day 2024: Stadtwerke Jena alliance partners take part
OrganizerDas Jenaer Bündnis für Familie und der Förderkreis „Familienfreundliches Jena e. V.
Location At the nature experience center on the former Schottplatz in the forest
Otto-Schott-Platz 1
Single Event
Von:Jun 8, 2024 um 10:00 AM Uhr
Bis:Jun 8, 2024 um 5:00 PM Uhr
Type Vor Ort
Category Perspectives
Division Stadtwerke Energie Jena-Pößneck