arrow_right_altAn overview of our services 

Important documents 

Here you can find current documents, forms and information regarding your energy contract. 

 Document center

Online customer portal 

In our customer portal you can easily enter your meter readings, view invoices, change advanced payments and do many more things at any time of the day. 

 Customer portal

Meter readings 

Do you want to inform us of your current meter readings? You can do this easily online. 

 Report meter readings

Make a consultation appointment 

Do you want to make an appointment for a personal consultation in our customer service center in Jena?

 Make an appointment

Moving or want to terminate a contract?

Here you can find all important information as well as an explanation of how to easily terminate your contract.

 Terminate contract

Exzellente Servicequalität

Wir freuen uns, dass den Stadtwerken Energie mit dem Siegel "Exzellente Servicequalität" bescheinigt wurde. Grundlage bildet eine umfangreiche Kundenbefragung, die von einem unabhängigen Institut durchgeführt wird.

 Mehr dazu