Starting signal for the IHK "Companies in Responsibility" award

Apr 22, 2024, 3:23:29 PM | Stadtwerke Energie Jena-Pößneck | Aktuelles, Pressemitteilungen | Marktsituation
East Thuringian companies can apply now

For the first time, the IHK Ostthüringen is awarding the „Unternehmen in Verantwortung“ prize. With a total of 8,000 euros, donated by TAG Wohnen & Service GmbH, Stadtwerke Energie Jena-Pößneck GmbH and Volksbank eG Gera-Jena-Rudolstadt, the IHK Ostthüringen honors companies that show exemplary social, ecological or economic commitment.

Three companies will be awarded a total of EUR 8,000 in prize money:

  1. Prize – EUR 5,000, donated by TAG Wohnen & Service GmbH
  2.  Prize – EUR 2,000, donated by Stadtwerke Energie Jena-Pößneck GmbH
  3.  Prize – EUR 1,000, donated by Volksbank eG Gera-Jena-Rudolstadt. 

The prize is awarded to companies with social responsibility in terms of sustainable business. This includes social, ecological and economic aspects such as:
•    new ideas for employee recruitment and retention, career guidance
•    economical use of natural resources, 
•    protection of the climate and environment and 
•    local commitment

In addition to the idea and concept, criteria such as commitment, innovative content, sustainability, exemplary character and improvement of the quality of the business location are also included in the evaluation by a jury of experts.

Any member company of the IHK Ostthüringen can apply or be nominated for the award quickly and easily online at, regardless of its size, legal form or sector.

The deadline for applications is July 31, 2024. The award ceremony will take place on September 12, 2024.


Votes on the IHK Prize "Companies in Responsibility"

„For many entrepreneurs, it is a matter of course to volunteer in their immediate environment and take on social responsibility. Not only in difficult times such as these, with geopolitical crises, wars, climate change and the associated uncertain economic and social developments, is this particularly valuable and deserves respect and esteem," says IHK CEO Peter Höhne.

„The IHK award ‚Unternehmen in Verantwortung‘ is intended to make exemplary entrepreneurial action visible and honor it. It is a matter close to our hearts to support this award," emphasizes Claudia Hoyer, Managing Director of TAG Wohnen & Service GmbH, together with Ines Eckert, Head of Corporate Communications at Stadtwerke Energie Jena-Pößneck GmbH and Marko Walther, Head of Marketing at Volksbank eG Gera-Jena-Rudolstadt.

The patron of the IHK prize is former Federal President, Prof. Dr. Horst Köhler. He emphasizes: „The values of the honourable businessman may seem like yesterday's news to some, but they are still relevant today. Companies that exemplify them deserve recognition. With the "Companies in Responsibility" award, the East Thuringia Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK Ostthüringen) draws attention to the fact that not only black figures are part of the profit balance of entrepreneurial activity, but also the commitment to the common good and the protection of the climate and the environment. I support this initiative because I am convinced that good business practices and responsibility for people and nature should go hand in hand.