Reduce energy costs: with the electricity-savings check
Energy consulting for households with lower income
You only have limited means to your monthly disposition and receive governmental support? Are you looking for ways to effectively save costs in your household? Why not begin with your energy consumption!
New: now also available as phone- or online-consulting
For the electricity-savings check, trained electricity-savings assistans visit you at home. Currently, advice is also available by telephone or video chat. Together with you, they analyse your electricity and water consumption patterns. Is the radio turned on even when you are not in the room? Is the fridge next to the heating? Are there ways to disconnect unused appliances? Many things are considered to create an energy-saving plan. This will not restrict you in your daily life, but it offers a high savings potential.
Free energy-saving appliances worth up to 70 euros
The electricity-savings assistants will install energy-saving appliances worth up to 70 euros on your premises free of charge. Light bulbs are replaced with LEDs, televisions and computers are fitted with switcheable power strips, and taps are fitted with water aerators.
Stadtwerke Energie promote electricity-savings check
The electricity-savings check is a project of Caritas and financially supported in Jena and the Saale-Holzland district by Stadtwerke Energie Jena-Pößneck, among others.
More information for download
- file_download Flyer Stromspar-Check

Caritasregion Middle-Thuringia
Contact for Jena and Saale-Holzland-Kreis
Salvador-Allende-Platz 15
07747 Jena
Office hours
Monday until Friday
9.00 – 15.00 h
Your contact person
Stefanie Birnkammerer