Order solar-roof check

The solar roof check assesses the options to instal a PV-system with a nominal output of up to 29 kWp. It includes the e-charging check and thus the assessment of options to combine the PV-system with charging stations for e-cars - without any extra cost. Before the solar roof check can be realised, it is necessary to gather some information from the respective grid operator.



Further information

Customer information

Information on battery storage



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All important documents regarding the solar roof check

Please note the general terms and conditions:

Download General terms and conditions solar roof check

Please find the service description as well as the prices for the solar roof check below.

Download Service description and prices

Please note the Cancellation Policy and the cancellation form sheet 

Download Cancellation Policy

Privacy Policy as per Art. 13, 14 General Data Protection Regulation (DS-GVO) of Stadtwerke Energie Jena-Pößneck GmbH

Download Privacy Policy