Our thermal heat pumps: Simply use the warmth of nature 

Switch to environmentally friendly and efficient heat generation now and give fossil fuels the cold shoulder. Simply utilise the heat that is available in nature with our heat pumps. You can rely entirely on a heat pump or combine it with your existing heating system. 

TIP: For all sun worshippers, we also have the perfect combination of photovoltaic system and heat pump.

 Your advantages at a glance  

Thanks to state-of-the-art technology, our heat pumps are very efficient and offer maximum energy efficiency. With the warmth of the ambiental air or geothermal heat, you utilise environmentally friendly, free and virtually inexhaustible energy sources.

With a heat pump, you are more independent of rising prices for fossil fuels and political and economic developments.

A heat pump can be used to heat almost any type of building.

Heat pumps can be used for cooling in summer.

The electricity required to operate the heat pump is significantly cheaper than the costs that arise with conventional heating systems for the same amount of heat.

Maximally future-proof

In combination with photovoltaics or solar thermal energy, heat pumps are maximally future-proof.

Heat pumps have an up to 90 per-cent less CO2-emissions than gas- or oil-heatings. 

Heat pumps are low-maintenance and durable.

From planning to installation and maintenance.

Tailored to your needs — our heat pump packages

with storage for drinking water

  • with direct condensation

  • up to 11 kW output

  • Multi-functional reservoir
    for drinking water

  • Equipment
    such as expansion vessels, safety devices, filling and shut-off valves

  • Implementation and briefing

    star Our package price
    incl. consulting, planning and installation

from 24,900 € 1)

with BEG-funding from 16,185 € 1,2)

Send request

1) gross, incl.  19 % VAT. 
2) Stadtwerke Energie does not provide any guarantee of funding approval.


Federal subsidy for efficient buildings (Bundesförderung effiziente Gebäude BEG)

Sample calculation
for possible subsidies for a heating modernisation with heat pump for our offer "Heat pump with drinking water storage tank" in the amount of 24,900 euros

  • General from federal subsidy for efficient buildings
    25 per cent:  6,225 €
  • Heating replacement bonus from federal subsidy for efficient buildings
    10 per cent:  2,490 € 

BEG-subsidy total: 8,715 €

More information at
BAFA - federal subsidy for efficient buildings

info Important:

The subsidy must be applied for from BAFA itself. Applications for subsidies can only be submitted prior to the conclusion of supply and service contracts. 

download Product-sheet air-heat-pump with drinking water storage





with reservoir for heating and drinking water

  • with direct condensation

  • up to 16 kW output

  • Multif-functional storage
    for heating and drinking water

  • Equipment
    such as expansion vessels, safety devices, filling and shut-off valves

  • Implementation and briefing

    star Our package price
    incl. consulting, planning and installation

from 27,500 € 1)

with BEG-funding from  17,875 € 1,2)

Send request

1) gross, incl. 19 % VAT 
2) Stadtwerke Energie does not provide any guarantee of funding approval.


Federal subsidy for efficient buildings (Bundesförderung effiziente Gebäude BEG)

Sample calculation
for possible subsidies for a heating modernisation with heat pump for our offer "Heat pump with storage tank for heating and drinking water" in the amount of 27,500 euros

  • General from federal subsidy for efficient buildings
    25 per cent:  6,875 €
  • Heating replacement bonus from federal subsidy for efficient buildings
    10 per cent:  2,750 € 

BEG-subsidy total: 9,625 €

More information at
BAFA - federal subsidy for efficient buildings

info Important:

The subsidy must be applied for from BAFA itself. Applications for subsidies can only be submitted prior to the conclusion of supply and service contracts.  

download Product sheet for heat-pump with storage for heating and drinking water



 3 Steps to your individual heat-pump

Customised to your building and your heating requirements - that's how it should be, your new heating system. In just 3 steps, you can supply yourself with your own environmentally friendly heat.

Services included in the heat-pump check

The heat-pump check includes the following services: 

  • Property inspection and detailed on-site consultation by a certified, regional trade partner
  • Assessment of the condition of the building and the electrical system as well as inspection of the planned installation
  • Consultation and clarification of the technical implementation
  • Choice of location for the system components
  • Results report as the basis for a concrete quotation

Order heat-pump check now

Customised advice is the first step

The first step is to find out exactly what your wishes and requirements are and which component mix is best for you.  At the same time, all the necessary technical and structural requirements for your planned project need to be professionally assessed.

Our heat-pump check includes all of this. It provides you with detailed on-site advice and technical expertise from our specialised trade partners.

Start your project with us and simply book your personal consultation using our order form for the heat pump check.

Good advice saves time and money

Particularly with larger investments and complex technical projects, you should inform yourself well before making a purchase, obtain detailed advice and not save on costs. 

Your advantage with our Stadtwerke product 

If you realise your project with us, you will have just one contact person and receive all services from a single source - from consultation, planning and preparation of an offer to implementation and implementing.

Our professional on-site consultation

The heat-pump check is our professional on-site consultation by a certified, regional trade partner and the first step towards realising your individual heat pump package.

It includes a detailed initial consultation taking into account your wishes and requirements. At the same time, a technical assessment and inspection is carried out with regard to the installation of the heat pump. The check is a prerequisite for detailed planning and the submission of a concrete offer.

The heat pump check is a chargeable service and will be invoiced afterwards. The costs are included in the total price of the combined package when you order our offer.

Book our heat pump check and detailed technical on-site consultation for currently €269.

The services of the heat-pump check

The check includes the following services:

  • Property inspection and detailed on-site consultation by a certified, regional trade partner
  • Determination of whether the property is generally suitable for the installation of a heat pump
  • Assessing the condition of the system (heating system) and checking whether the heat pump system can be integrated
  • Location selection for the respective components
  • Technical clarification of components and possible integration of other sectors (photovoltaics, battery storage)
  • Results report as the basis for a concrete offer

Order heat-pump check now



400 € Prämie - unser Dankeschön fürs Weitersagen

Empfehlen Sie unsere Wärmepumpen weiter und freuen Sie sich bei Vertragsabschluss gemeinsam über 400 € Prämie. Und zwar auch dann, wenn Sie selbst nicht unser Kunde sind.

Zur Empfehlungs-Prämie



Further offers regarding heating with heat-pumps 

Well combined: heat-pump and PV-system


Hybrid heating