Everything regarding the reduction in EEG surcharge
The levy under the Renewable Energy Sources Act (Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz) - short EEG surcharge (EEG-Umlage) or ecopower levy (Ökostromumlage) - was introduced in 2000 and has since been used to finance the expansion of solar, wind, biomass and hydroelectric power plants. It is a state levy and must be paid for every kilowatt hour of electricity consumed.
For the sake of simplicity, the levy is collected by the energy supplier and then paid off in full by the supplier.
In order to mitigate the economic consequences for consumers caused by the turbulences on the global energy markets, the German government has decided to reduce this levy from a net 3.723 cents per kilowatt hour to 0.00 cents in the period from July 1st to December 31st 2022.
For an average household with an annual consumption of 2,000 kWh this means:
The most important questions on the topic
With the omission of the EEG surcharge, you benefit from a lower electricity consumption price. From July 1st to December 31st 2022, the price you pay per kilowatt hour will be reduced by 3,723 cents net (4,43 cents gross) - that is by the complete amount of the EEG surcharge. And you do not have to undertake any steps for this: You profit automatically.
For an average household with an annual consumption of 2,000 kWh this means savings of about 7€ per month.
No, nothing. We will of course pass the full reduction on to you. You don't have to do anything and benefit in any case automatically from July 1st until December 31st 2022. The annual financial statement will take the savings into account. We will automatically reduce your consumption price per kWh by said amount.
No, your payment plan will not change. We will set off the omission of the EEG surcharge against your annual financial statement.
Due to the current electricity price developments, we recommend you to maintain your monthly advanced payments. In this way, you prevent unexpected high subsequent payments. For this, simply use our customer portal or contact directly our customer service.
No, it is not necesseary that you to send us your meter reading, as it will be recorded on the usual day.
Based on these results, we calculate your consumption for the first and second half of the year and create the invoice using the valid price at that time. This tried and tested practice is always applied when price components or tax regulations change during the year.
However, you are always welcome to report your meter reading to us at any time of the day directly online.
On our invoices, you will find the applicable consumption price for the corresponding delivery period unter item 3 "Ermittlung des Rechnungsbetrages". From July 1st 2022, this price will be 3.723 cents (net) lower.
For almost all of our customers, this will result in different items on the invoice. At first, for comsumption in the time until June 30th 2022 with the EEG surcharge of 3.72 ct/kWh (net) and then for consumption from July 1st with the surcharge reduced to 0 ct/kWh.
As of July 1st 2022, the consumption price for basic and substitute supply will fall by 3.723 ct/kWh net (4.43 ct/kWh gross). You can find the respective valid price sheets here.
If your supply with jenaturStrom starts after the omission of the EEG surcharge, said omission has already been taken into account in your consumption price and in turn, your advanced payment has been calculated based on your consumption price.