Changes on bus route 410 from June 20
Jun 18, 2024, 11:00:00 AM | Jenaer Nahverkehr I JES | Aktuelles | JES
The buses on line 410 operated by JES Verkehrsgesellschaft will be running along a detour route from Thursday, June 20 until the end of the summer vacations. The reason for the route change is a full closure of the B7 between the municipalities of Trotz and Droschka.
The changes in detail:
Earlier departure times: In order to guarantee all connections to buses and trains at the respective route end points, buses on route 410 will depart earlier from the first stop in Jena and in the opposite direction from Eisenberg.
Adjusted travel times and improved connections: The construction site timetable means longer travel times between Eisenberg and Jena, but also offers improvements to services on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. From June 22, 2024, there will be nine journeys per direction on Saturdays and Sundays, compared to the previous eight journeys on Saturdays and five on Sundays.
Stops and connections: All journeys begin and end at the stop „Jena, Westbahnhof“. Despite the 90-minute interval from the afternoon into the evening, there are still train connections to and from Weimar and Erfurt. The last journey from „Jena, Westbahnhof“ to Eisenberg will now also be offered at 21:58 on Sundays and public holidays, instead of 20:19 as before.
Stops not served: Due to a lack of local turning facilities, the local community of Droschka cannot be served during this time. The buses will turn at the bus stop „Bürgel, Wendeschleife“ and will be diverted via Hohendorf without stopping in either direction.
Long-term planning: It is planned to maintain the extended weekend service beyond the end of the summer vacations.
The JES Verkehrsgesellschaft asks passengers for their understanding for the necessary changes and thanks them for their patience during the construction work.
Note for passengers: All information on the current timetables can be found in the MeinJena app, on our website and at the stops.