Tenant representatives

Tenant representatives support the Advisory Board of jenawohnen

The Advisory Board of jenawohnen advises the management on issues relating to future developments. Since the end of 2019, it has been supported by three members coming from within the ranks of our tenants.

The advisory board includes members of all city council factions and the city administration, as well as the managing directors of the Stadtwerke Jena Group. In addition, knowledgeable citizens are represented. The three tenant representatives come from the districts Lobeda, Winzerla and Stadtmitte and will contribute strongly with their districts' viewpoint to the advisory board.

If you would like to contact one of them (Monika Müller Schmied for Lobeda, Gunther Hase for Winzerla and Carola Preißler for the areas of Stadtmitte, Jena-Ost, Jena-Nord and Jena-West), you can do so via the following e-mail address: mietervertreter@jenawohnen.de.

Twice a year, the advisory board discusses current issues from different perspectives – always with the aim of promoting jenawohnen together.